Friday, April 10, 2009

The Joys of Bathtime in Ethiopia

So. Internet is so slow in Ethiopia, I have sent this blog post to the always lovely Naomi to post for me. Pictures would be nice, but that's LAUGHABLE...

Unlike picking your nose or playing solitaire, a cold water bucket shower is something that I think would be much more fun with a partner. With someone you lust after, it maybe could be a really sexy thing. When done alone in the darkness of your blacked out hotel room on the shores of Lake Tana, it's just sort of cold and messy. I contemplated more than once why I insisted on growing my hair so long, why the bucket is so freaking small, how many trips it will take from the drain to the faucet to sufficiently clean my body, etc etc.

However, it did get me clean. And I WAS on the shores of Lake Tana PLUS I totally saw a wild hippo that afternoon!

More to come... very slowly...

xoxo Erin


  1. I will totally refrain from saying how a nice short hair cut would be good for the wilds...I know you hate the "I told you so's"!! XO Mom

  2. Cool...I have always wanted to see a wild hippo!

  3. There's one that regularly shows up in the upstairs bathroom
